Hi, I’m Kristine!

A wife, mother, child of God, birth doula and lover of cheesy 90’s music.

My husband and I have lived in Grande Prairie for over ten years. We have two mischievous, high energy boys who keep us laughing and on our toes. I enjoy gardening, macramé, book folding, home renovations (to my husband’s vexation) and spending time with our family and friends.

My first birth did not end up going the way I expected as most births often do, and I was left feeling scared, uninformed and option-less by the conventional paths laid before me. This was not the experience I wanted and I knew there had to be a better way. That was the catalyst I needed to ignite my passion for educating women on birth and their options. I hired a doula for my second birth and it was a game changer to have a trusted person by my side to be an added resource and comfort through it all.

My desire is that every woman could have the experience of a doula if that is their wish, and I feel humbled and honored to facilitate that.

For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well.
— Psalms 139:13-14

DONA International Birth Doula Training- Sept 2017

The VBAC Link Advanced Doula Training- July 2021

Certified VBAC Doula (The VBAC Link)- Aug 2021

Certified Birth Doula (DONA)- Nov 2021

Peanut Ball Trained Professional (The Birth Nurse)- April 2023